Monday, September 28, 2020

Learn Web Desgin part 2


 Todey we learn that how can write a paragraph on your websites

so lets start.....

you know one thing that we write all of our code in body

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


so you see the <p></p> tag this is the tag of paragraph.

if you want to bold your paragraph so you can write <p><b>then write your paragraph</b></p>

your paragrap[h was bold the b tag is the bold tag.........



A paragraph is marked up as follows:

<p>This is some text in a paragraph.</p>
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If you want to do your paragraph italic what you can do??

same as bold tag you write on p like this

<p><i>write your pragraph</i></p>


If You Want To a link in your website what can you do??

The link tag is <a></a>

Type:  <a href="https://">Visit!</a>

This is the tag of link.use this tag you can add link on your website..

So i think you understand all of thing ..If you dont understand try again you are been success..

So lets see in another part .....
practise this...